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Lea CofE Primary School and Gateway Lodge Nursery

'Everyone Counts'

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Welcome to the Early Years at Lea and Gateway Lodge Nursery

At The Gateway Lodge Nursery and in Willow Class (Reception), our aim is to provide a curriculum that encourages every child to achieve, in an environment which promotes the characteristics of effective learning: playing and learning, active learning and creating and thinking critically. We do this by guiding and supporting children with excellent teaching practice and key early years pedagogy. Learning is personalised to each child, taking account of their age and stage of understanding and development. We pride ourselves on working closely with our families and together we provide a nurturing, supportive and caring environment for children starting their primary education in our setting.



Curriculum and Organisation:

  • Our curriculum is based around the Characteristics of Effective Learning; Creating and Thinking Critically, Active Learning and Playing and Exploring. We use Development Matters alongside the EYFS Statutory Framework and other key documentation to ensure full coverage of the EYFS curriculum.
  • Our curriculum is based upon what we want our children to learn through key objectives and skills, but there is flexibility to enable the children to direct their own learning as well.
  • Topics/ themes are broad and designed to match the children’s interests, whilst ensuring full coverage of the seven areas of learning in the EYFS Framework.
  • Special occasions and events are explored at the appropriate times, for example, Chinese New Year, Bonfire Night and Shrove Tuesday, to name but a few.



Effective Learning and Assessment

  • Our learning is a mix of child initiated and adult led. Our children learn best when they experience learning first hand and through meaningful interactions with others. Learning is differentiated to meet the needs of the children and we ensure we offer challenge throughout our provision.   We spend lots of our time outdoors in all weathers. The children take part in Forest School sessions once a fortnight, led by trained Forest School teachers.
  • Formative assessment is used to track the progress of all children and to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all. We use Tapestry for our home/school communications and celebrations. We share other news and capture key moments on our class page on the school website.


Enrichment and Parental Involvement

  • Visits and visitors are planned to enrich our curriculum and immerse the children in new topics and learning. We welcome parental involvement. 
  • We hold parents’ evenings twice a year to share children’s progress and achievements with parents.
  • We hold a reading meeting in the autumn term, to provide parents with information about how they can support their children with phonics and reading at home.



Transition between Nursery and Reception

Transition from Nursery to Reception begins well before the end of a child’s year in Nursery for children who attend Gateway Lodge.

  • From Easter, we arrange regular opportunities for children to visit Willow Class to play and for story time, so that they become familiar with the staff and surroundings.
  • The furniture and layout of the environments are similar in both settings; this again helps to foster a sense of continuity.

For children who join us from other nursery settings, we arrange visits to Willow Class during the summer term. We also carry out visits to meet the children in their current settings, wherever possible.

During the latter part of the summer term, we hold a transition evening, to which all parents and children are invited to attend. This is a great opportunity for parents to find out in advance all about the routines and curriculum in Reception, as well as practical information about uniforms etc.

We pride ourselves on ensuring every parent and carer feels as fully involved as possible in their child’s early education at our school.


To arrange a visit to Willow Class (Reception) or to Gateway Lodge Nursery, please contact the school office at or telephone 01989750296.


Promoting Oral Health

Unfortunately, the standard of children’s oral health in Herefordshire is poor, and is poorer than both the regional and national picture. For example, just under a third of 5 year olds in Herefordshire experienced preventable tooth decay in 2016/2017. Significantly this figure has remained broadly unchanged in the last 10 years.

To help to combat these worrying statistics and also to ensure that we are addressing the EYFS Framework objectives (to be increasingly independent in meeting their own care needs, e.g. brushing teeth, using the toilet, washing and drying their hands thoroughly; and making healthy choices about food, drink, activity and toothbrushing), all children in Nursery and Reception take part in daily supervised toothbrushing sessions.


This is done as part of the "Time to Shine" programme. To make sure we brush for the recommended two minutes, we brush along to the 'Hey Duggee' Toothbrushing song, which is very popular!

All children are also given a toothbrushing pack, containing a toothbrush, toothpaste and a sand timer, to take home.

Each year, we are visited by the school nurse who gives us a talk about looking after our teeth. Parents are also invited to an oral hygiene workshop led by Vicky Major from the Herefordshire Healthy Schools Programme. Look out for the date of the next one on our termly diary dates!


