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Lea CofE Primary School and Gateway Lodge Nursery

'Everyone Counts'

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Oak Class Gallery and Events

Oak Class enjoying their Christmas lunch! :)

Oak class being geographers and locating countries, rivers and mountain ranges around the world

Presenting the best ways to keep safe online as part of our learning on Anti-Bullying

Oak Class Flower Dissection

We have been dissecting flowers to learn about the different functions they have in plant reproduction. We have had a great time making scientific observations.

Pro Strike!

Oak Class have had a great time scoring goals today and raising money for our school!


Learning the French alphabet 🇫🇷 

Practising the alphabet

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Use this video to practice at home :)

First Day in Oak Class!

Today as mathematicians, Oak class were set the challenge to find out how tall the class were altogether. We collaborated in teams to take accurate measurements using equipment that we selected ourselves. Before we started we made predictions about what we thought the answer would be and then evaluated our prediction at the end to see if we were correct. Above our photos of our excellent teamwork!
