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Lea CofE Primary School and Gateway Lodge Nursery

'Everyone Counts'

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  Science inspires and enthuses our pupils. Our children’s curious minds are challenged, supported and   developed. We create opportunities to build resilience so children can access new ideas at their own   individual level. We encourage our pupils to make links and establish firm learning pathways. We provide the   opportunity to work scientifically, creating a secure environment where investigational skills and enquiring   mind sets are valued. Children are encouraged to have a questioning approach to learning and we value when  the children’s thoughts and ideas steer our learning. We have excellent resources in school which the  children use on a variety of occasions.

  Science Learning in our School


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Watch and Wonder

How it Works:

It’s all about Inertia! Inertia says an object, the egg in this case, will stay at rest, unless an outside force acts upon it, your hand in this case. When you move the pie pan with your hand, gravity takes over and pulls the egg straight down into the glass of water.

  Key Science Curriculum Documents

 Recommended Science Books to Read

Interested in Science? Local places to Visit:

Further Afield:

Online Science Attractions:
