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Lea CofE Primary School and Gateway Lodge Nursery

'Everyone Counts'

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In the Gateway Federation, we believe that the teaching of Music is an important and valued element of the broad and balanced curriculum that we are striving to provide. We aim to build Music into our curriculum to inspire and engage all children and create an enjoyable learning experience for all.

We are passionate about encouraging children to participate in a variety of musical experiences and motivational learning projects through which we aim to challenge, nurture creativity and sensitivity, build confidence and develop resilience of all children for current and future learning.


As we move through the school, some teachers draw upon the Charanga Scheme to support our music teaching as well as linking activities to the class topic in a thematic approach. In all cases we build on the music skills learned in the previous year group to enable progression.


Wider Opportunities

KS2 classes, are taught by a music specialist through the music hub’s Wider Opportunities scheme which allows children to learn to play a carousel of tuned and un-tuned musical instruments in the lower Key Stage years and a tuned musical instrument in the upper years. This year Year 4 and 5 will be learning the ukulele followed by Toots and Year 6 will be learning the cornet.


Peripatetic Music Lessons

We are able to offer a range of individual or groups lessons. If you would like further information about what instruments are available, please contact us at school.


Additional Music Opportunities

At Lea Primary we also have a growing choir and there are opportunities for singing in classroom, collective worship and school production. Pupils also have the opportunity to share what they have learned in assemblies and music concerts.

Music Learning

Key Music Documents

Listening Linked to our Topics

Useful Music Websites
