Healthy Families
Dental Health
At Gateway Lodge Nursery all children take part in daily supervised toothbrushing sessions, as part of the Herefordshire Council 'Time to Shine' programme. We also hold regular workshops for parents to provide information on oral and dental health.
Information on free fluoride varnish treatment for children from NHS dentists
Healthy Eating
Healthy Snacks for Toddlers- guidance for parents
Sport and Physical Activity
The Wildlife Trust- Leaflet for Parents- The Art of Getting Children Outdoors
Sun Safety
We know children love spending time outdoors, whether in the garden, park, or beach, however, their skin is more delicate than adults and can easily be damaged by the sun, even when it doesn’t seem strong.
Skin damage caused by repeated exposure to sunlight could lead to skin cancer developing in later life. Therefore, it is extremely important to protect their skin properly.
At Gateway Lodge Nursery, we are committed to:
PROTECTION: providing an environment that enables children and staff to stay safe in the sun.
EDUCATION: learning about sun safety to increase knowledge and influence behaviour.
COLLABORATION: working with parents, the management structure and the wider community to reinforce awareness about sun safety.