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Lea CofE Primary School and Gateway Lodge Nursery

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Rowan Class

Welcome to Rowan Class.

Class Teacher; Mr Eaton 

Teaching Assistants are; Mrs Bradley and Mrs Smith

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Rowan Class learning 2024 - 2025 Year 3 &  Year 4

Rowan Class learning 2023 - 2024 Year 4 & 5

Rowan Class Learning 2022 - 2023 Year 3 & Year 4 

Summer Term 2021-Topic Web - 'Traders and Raiders!'

Big and strong, powerful and brave, the Saxons wave their battle axes and brandish their swords as they begin to invade Britain’s shores. Sail back to the Dark Ages, where battles were rife and fear reigned. Find out about the lives of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. Meet the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – never before had such terror swept the land. Make a Saxon sword or a Viking brooch and decorate it with intricate patterns. Choose to be a Saxon or Viking and trade your crafty goods, but let’s keep it cool. We don’t want a fight breaking out. Are you ready to shine a light on the dangerous and deadly Dark Ages?

“Let Loose!”

Sports Day!

Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman

Anglo -Saxon Day - Thursday 22nd April

We made a memorable start to our new ‘Traders and Raiders’ topic on Thursday 22nd April, when we all came to school dressed as Anglo-Saxons, ready to travel back in time!


We set off on our journey to Anglo-Saxon Britain early in the morning and met Wulfgifa, an Anglo-Saxon, who told us all about life in Anglo-Saxon times! We learned what houses were like, what food Anglo-Saxons ate, and what life was like for children. 


Later in the morning, we prepared food using Anglo-Saxon recipes. We made flatbreads, vegetable and barley stew, and spiced cakes, (which were a bit like Welsh cakes! )


During the rest of the day, we took part in different activities, including investigating the Anglo-Saxon runes alphabet, and making our name in runes using sticks; making clay pots and building a wattle and daub fence using willow sticks and mud! We also experimented with colouring fabric using natural materials such as dandelions, speedwell and wild garlic.


We ended our day with a magnificent feast and storytelling around the campfire! 





This term we have been learning all about where the Anglo-Saxons came from; why they left their lands in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands; and whereabouts in Britain they chose to settle. We have also been finding out about what life was like in an Anglo- Saxon village. We took part in a ‘Now Press Play’ interactive experience, which gave another dimension to our learning.



We finished this half term with our History ‘Creative Expression Project’ to showcase our learning. Our task was to create a guidebook full of handy tips and advice, for Saxons and Angles arriving in Britain. We wrote our information in the present and future tense, using a chatty, friendly writing style.

We sketched, then painted illustrated maps of our village. Finally we added the text boxes to explain different aspects of the village and created a front cover for our guide books.

Topic Web

Homework Activities

Useful Resources

Recommended Reads

Spring Term 2021- Topic: “Frozen Kingdoms”


Topic Web

Shackleton’s Journey



This term we have been exploring the amazing story of Ernest Shackleton and his quest to reach the South Pole.

our focus texts are “Shackleton’s Journey” by William Grill and “Brightstorm” by Vashti Hardy.


We wrote biographies of Shackleton, and also wrote diary entries as if we were Shackleton, at different points in his “Endurance “ adventure.

Creative Expression Project

In ART this term, we have been studying the illustrations in “Shackleton’s Journey” by William Grill, focusing on: shade, tone, texture and media.

We learned about the printing technique ‘batik’ and created Antarctic landscapes using batik techniques.


Forest School

Happy Christmas Everyone!🎄🎄

Rowan Class 2020-2021

Our Autumn Term Topic is "The Extraordinary Egyptians"!
